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"They Say / I Say" von Graff, Gerald

CHF 35.70
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Hersteller: Norton & Company
ISBN: 978-0-393-53870-0
Verfügbarkeit: nicht mehr erhältlich
Sie erhalten 35 Bonus-Punkte pro Exemplar. (mit Kundenkonto)

Used and loved by millions of students for its lively and practical advice, this is the book that demystifies academic writing and shows how to engage with the views of others. Extensively revised in response to feedback from our community of adopters, this edition of "They Say / I Say" is an even more practical companion for students, featuring a new chapter on research, new exercises, expanded support for reading and an expanded chapter on Revising.

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Über den Autor Graff, Gerald

Gerald Graff is Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Illinois Chicago, USA. He is one of his generation's most influential commentators on education, not only as a historian and theorist, but also through his impact on the classroom practice of teachers.Michael Warner is Seymour H. Knox Professor of English and Professor of American Studies at Yale University, USA. His work ranges across several topics and styles, from scholarship in early American literature and print culture, to more theoretical writing about publics and social movements, to introductory editions and anthologies, to journalism and non-academic political writing.

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